Alan Uzelac: Legal Protection and Access to Justice in Croatia – Aporia of Integration

Summary of Alan Uzelac’s presentation given during the roundtable Justice, Equality and Diversity in Croatia (English and Croatian Version): Alan Uzelac emphasized two topics: objective criteria for appointing and promoting judges and free legal aid. He cited the creation of Judicial Academy as an attempt to establish efficient and high-quality body, which should ensure transparent candidate …

Josip Kregar: Judiciary in Croatia – Can it be Improved?

Summary of Josip Kregar’s presentation given during the roundtable Justice, Equality and Diversity in Croatia (English and Croatian Version): Josip Kregar said there is a lack of professional communication and discussion with the judiciary because it has created a closed system in which the judicial authorities do not want to collaborate with academic community. In his …

Ivo Josipović: Regression of Society and the Justice System in Croatia

Summary of Ivo Josipović’s presentation given during the roundtable Jusitice, Equality and Diversity in Croatia (English and Croatian Version): Ivo Josipović said that some of the values we advocated ten years ago are no longer important for us. In particular, he analyzed the work of the judiciary in Croatia, and said that the black-white image of …

Adam Sulikowski: European Values in Poland – a Crisis of Apparent Consensus

Summary of Adam Sulikowski’s presentation given during the roundtable Justice, Equality and Diversity in Croatia (English and Croatian Version): The second part of roundtable was opened by Adam Sulikowski. He spoke about the judiciary in Poland, its perception among citizens and opened his speech with several major thesis. He noted that the ruling political elite …

Biserka Cvjetičanin: Cultural Diversity and Intercultural Dialogue – Constitutive Principles of Democratic Society

Summary of Biserka Cvjetičanin’s presentation given the roundtable Justice, Equality and Diversity in Croatia (English and Croatian Version): Biserka Cvjetičanin discussed cultural diversity which has become one of the greatest challenges of our time. Cultural diversity is an universal issue and it needs to be addressed through broad consensus. In her speech, she mentioned UNESCO …

Antonija Petričušić: Slow Consolidation of European Values: Endangered Minortiy Rights after the Croatian Accession to the EU

Summary of Antonija Petričušić’s presentation given during the roundtable Justice, Equality and Diversity in Croatia (English and Croatian Version): Antonija Petričušić believes that European values ​​should be the guarantee of stability, but today they are exclusively normatively based, which allows for their different interpretation and rise of populist ideas, or skepticism. She discussed the additional …

Lucia Mokrá: EU Values as Pre-condition of Membership and its Implementation Afterwards

Summary of Lucia Mokrá’s presentation given during the roundtable Jusitice, Equality and Diversity in Croatia (English and Croatian Version): First speaker, Lucia Mokrá, welcomed the debate on European values ​​which is at this moment of particular importance, given the upcoming elections for the European Parliament. She raised the question of the content of values, them …


On Monday, 13 May 2019 at 10:30 in the Aula of the University of Zagreb, Centre for Democracy and Law Miko Tripalo organized a roundtable Justice, Equality and Diversity in Croatia. This roundtable is part of Centre Miko Tripalo’s Jean Monnet project entitled European Values in a New Member State: Croatia in the First Five Years of …


U ponedjeljak 13. svibnja 2019. godine u 10:30 sati u Auli Sveučilišta u Zagrebu održan je okrugli stol Pravda, jednakost i različitost u Hrvatskoj u organizaciji Centra za demokraciju i pravo Miko Tripalo. Ovaj okrugli stol je drugi dio Jean Monnet projekta Europske vrijednosti u novoj državi članici: Hrvatska u prvih pet godina članstva u …

Dario Čepo: European Values and Their Influence on Democracy in Croatia

Summary of Dario Čepo’s presentation given during the roundtable Citizen’s Rights and Challenges to Democracy in Croatia (English and Croatian version): Last speaker, Dario Čepo believes that we all talk about European values, but we define them differently. There are three ways in which European values ​​can be implemented in society: through the process of …